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Stop Being Added to Random Groups To do this, long-press on a picture you have sent. Choose the β€˜Edit’ button on the top, just like you’d edit a text message once you have sent it. Now, you will get an in-built photo editor where you can add filters, draw or crop images. Alternatively, you can even replace the picture and send another one in its place. Telegram Privacy Choices

Display large emojis Better Bots Adaptive (Android) or Automatic (iOS): The mode will automatically switch based on the light level around you; you can define the threshold. According to the official Telegram FAQ section, You can create secret chats that use end-to-end encryption. This means only you and your chat partner can read those messages.

Add Multiple Accounts b Telegram Messenger Tricks These new monetization methods include ads on public one-to-many channels (which function like Twitter feeds), premium features for business teams and power users, and paid sticker packs. Some of these funds will go back to users in the form of enhanced visibility for channels or payments to creators of unique sticker packs. If you want to use Telegram in a region where it's blocked, you'll appreciate the Telegram function that allows you to connect via a proxy server. Most of the time, it's better to use a VPN on your phone, but a proxy can still help you get around regional restrictions. To mute a chat in Telegram, head over to the chat in question. Next, tap the name at the top and then hit the mute button.

Telegram Saved Files So, if you want to create different chat folders on Telegram for your use case then follow along. Open the hamburger menu and move to Settings -> Folders. Here, tap on β€œCreate New Folder” and give a name like personal, work, fun, unread, etc. After that, add the chats that you would like to appear in this folder. Similarly, you can add the kinds of chats that you don’t want to be grouped under this folder. This way Telegram will learn your preferences. Now, the main screen will move to a tabbed UI making it easier to use and manage Telegram. How awesome is that?

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